We know there are no perfect parents and there are no perfect children. All parents go through stages of concern for their children. When they are young and when they are old, loving Christian parents have a great love and concern for children who may be straying in their walk with God. Of course
We do not claim to speak for God. However, by application, we can weave the truths of Scripture into what a letter from God might look like if written to the parents of a son or daughter who is struggling in their relationship with God.
We encourage you to read this and then study for yourself the scriptures mentioned and let God speak to and encourage your heart. Perhaps you can take some of these Bible truths and promises and infuse them into your prayer life for your children. May you be bless and encouraged. God loves your children!
Dear Mom or Dad,
Don’t be afraid, I am with your dear child. I know when they sit down and when they get up, when they go out and when they come in. I formed them and made them. I understand them even though you may not. (Psalms 139) In my time and in my ways, I will strengthen them. I will help them. I will uphold them with my righteous right hand. (Isa. 41:10 and Isaiah 55:8-9) I am working every detail of their life out for good and for my glory (Romans 8:28 and Ephesians 1:11) because I loved them before you did.
I love them with an everlasting love. While they were yet in sin, I sent my son, Jesus, to die for them. (Jeremiah 31:3 and Romans 5:8) I have laid a burden on your heart to suffer for them, pray for them, and love them. That burden you feel, it is from me.
It is my Spirit leading you to love and care for their soul. I have begun a good work in them, I have lead you to love, care and pray for them and therefore it is right for you to expect that I will finish the work I started in them. (Philippians 1)
When my Spirit is leading you in prayer, He prays in deep ways that even you can’t understand, but touch the depths of my heart for your child. You may not know how to pray for your child according to my will, but He does. (Romans 8:26-27) Remember that my Spirit is at work in them even though you may not always see evidence of it. He is working to convince them of their sin, of my righteousness and that judgement is real. At the same time my Spirit is working to remind them of the free gift of salvation and a changed life through my son Jesus Christ. (John 16:8)
I am the Good Shepherd. I will look after them. When they go astray, I will pursue them and bring them back. (Psalms 23 and John 10) You and I are coworkers together in this process. (1 Corinthians 3:9) but I am the source of their spiritual life, so let me do my work. Stay sensitive to my leading. Don’t get ahead of me, don’t lose your cool, be patient, firm, loving and continue to point them toward the truth in the Bible. Don’t get weary in the work. Your effort is not in vain. I am using you in his life even if you can’t see it right now. (Galatians 6:9 and 1 Corinthians 15:58)
Thank you for loving your child. I love them too even more than you do. Trust me even if it gets worse before it gets better. Once things got bad with my son, Jesus. He didn’t do anything wrong of course, but things did get worse before they got better. They did get better though and now everyone knows the plan was perfect. It will be perfect in your situation too. My way is always perfect. It is always good and it is always loving. (Psalms 18:30)
Don’t forget that I love you and i love your dear child.
Your Heavenly Father
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