Category Archives for Discouragement

Two Tips For The Next Two Months

By Pastor Raymond Wicks | November 11, 2020 2020 has not turned out like most people had envisioned, and more could happen in the next two months.  At the time […]

Anxiety Aids from the Bible

ANXIETY AIDS FROM THE BIBLE By Dr. George Crabb 1.  Rejoice in God’s Sovereignty Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.  Philippians 4:4 O give thanks unto […]

REAL HOPE Because Jesus Lives!

  REAL HOPE.  Everyone needs it.  Everyone longs for it.  Young or old, rich or poor, new Christian or seasoned saint, there is no one who doesn’t find himself yearning […]

Doubts About God. Can They Ever Be Good?

  Some of us or perhaps all of us doubt God, his Bible or even his existence from time to time. There are two kinds of doubt however. One is […]

Change that Emoticon – 9 Bible Answers for Dealing with Discouragement and Depression

The third Monday each January has been called “Blue Monday.” According to marketing research, this particular Monday of January each year is the most depressing day of the year for […]